Saturday, May 31, 2014

Looking Back

It's been a few days since we got back. It's been a blur. We had baseball and softball and t-ball and who knows what else going on, over and above work and taking care of 4 crazy people kids around the clock.

We were deeply moved by all the people that had stepped up to support the trip.  Many gave.  Many prayed.  Many gave themselves to take part in caring for our kids while we were away.  MomMom and PopPop were surely blown away.  Here is an excerpt from an email my father wrote to all who had served them as they served us as we served in Haiti:

An open letter to those who served 
    May 28
On behalf of the many friends of Tim and Robyn, we want to thank you for all your many kindnesses to two old folks that had the privilege of watching God’s teachings at work.

I felt like all of you were a part of the Haiti mission.  We all contributed to those things God had led Robyn and Tim to do in that impoverished land.

To those that prepared food.  You gave us time and opportunities to enjoy our four grandkids.  Actually, I think there were more than four children at times.  But if we can help children from off the streets it is an added blessing.  Mrs. Owen had  more opportunities to be Mom Mom and I had opportunities to eat and eat and eat.

For those that took our grandchildren and gave them time to play, be with friends and have a little time away from the old fogies.....thank you. 

For the Drill Sergeant (Robyn) who got all of it together, I am certain you know one of God’s creatures who  is dedicated to His calling.  I was overwhelmed with each day, when children disappeared according to schedule and reappeared according to schedule.

All week, during devotional time, we taught from Philippians on the UNITY through believers in God and through that belief we could do all things through that belief and sharing God’s love.  Finally, I want to thank all of you for your prayers for the Haiti team....that includes Tim, Robyn, the grandkids, and the exhausted Owen’s.

Doyle Owen

We haven't had a lot of time to look back.  But as is customary for me to sort of at least process the images in my head and on our camera, I made a little video. This whole past year waiting to take this trip, our family has been pressed to work through Psalms 91.  Esther Mui performs a wonderful scripture song taken from the New King James Version, which we found on youtube.  I used it as part of the backdrop for all that we had seen there.  Some of these images are on the blog, but I hope with this arrangement you can see a little of it through my eyes.

Thank you to everyone who took part and went with us on this missionary journey.  We'll not soon forget your sacrifices coming alongside our family.  God bless you as you seek His face, to dwell in the secret place of the Most High...

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